Sunday, May 12, 2019

More of the Process for Creating Good Men and Women

The journey keeps going faster and faster!  One day our own kids gave President Turner a birthday card that said "Life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer to the end you get the faster it goes."  That is so true for our mission time here.  Things are going too fast. 

We were primarily about interviews over these two weeks.  Lots of pictures here.  There won't be a lot of commentary, but we hope you'll see the faces you desire:
Incheon District Council skit

  Gimpo/Cheongna District Role Playing Activity

 Post district council activity to invite high school students to EnglishConnect classes.  We got about two dozen numbers

 One sister visited with this older lady and shared a Melon Bar with her.  She has a great smile!
 Bucheon/Yeongdeunpo District Council

 Gangnam District Council with a special welcome for us... The two on the far left are President and Sister Turner .

 Anyang/Ansan District Council

 Suji/Shingal District Lunch and Council

So many amazing things are happening in the mission.  They are finding  many incredible individuals with great interest and faith.
Two in Incheon
 One in Sinpung
 One in Yeongdeunpo
 A young man in Anseong, a tiny branch with few people to help the missionaries.  They are baptizing pioneers!
 Another one in Singpung

While traveling between interviews one day, Terri and I passed a Buddhist University that is preparing for Buddha's birthday.  There a lots of lanterns hung in preparation.  We love these places and stop whenever we can!

 A protective guardian
 The one that looks the most like Pres. Turner...

As we've said before, one of our most favorite things is to share moments with missionaries who have completed their service and returned to visit their mission parents.
One of the tallest we've ever had in our mission!  Brought his lovely bride with him.
 This one brought his father,
 These two both served with us and now are a wonderful married couple!!!
During my morning run I found a "Masters Moment"

We know it is spring when the fish start acting funny...

This is all for today's update.  It represents the majority of two weeks.  We hope you find the faces you are seeking if you didn't see them in previous weeks.  We hope you copy and save any pictures you like.  Until  next time, thanks for the continuing prayers and support.