Monday, May 27, 2019

Always the hardest week!

The pace is quickening and the busier the schedule the faster the days go by.  Our calendar is full!

This was the week of transfers.  We had two elders leave, one for health issues who we pray will return quickly, and the other completing his 24 months of service. 

 While dropping off one elder at the airport, we greeted seven new sisters and a new elder.  Wow, what a wonderful group!  Thank you parents for providing such prepared disciples of Christ!

After a good evening with them we let them rest before connecting them with their trainers.  We match the goodness of the new missionaries with high caliber trainers.  We work hard to select the correct ones each transfer.  Gratefully, the Lord is the one providing guidance.

 This sister is from Oklahoma.  I'm sure she's glad to be here with the tornadoes racing through Oklahoma,  we pray for the safety of her home state.
 This young lady is from Arizona.  Her mother is Korean.
 This young man is our first from South America coming from Argentina.
 This young sister is from California
 This young sister is from Utah,
 This sister is our first one from Mexico,
 This sister is also from Utah,
 and this fine sister is from my home town in Utah.

Once we got them settled, we prepared for the training we do each transfer with the district leaders.  Though only a few are new as leaders, we bring them all together with the Assistants to train them on their roles and responsibilities.  They are all amazing.
The Assistants are great trainers and bring a wonderful spirit and laughter to their training.
 We have to wonder about their focus once in a while... But, all in all they are pretty amazing.

 President was off doing an interview so Sister Turner had to control the crowds.

Over the weekend, we had the opportunity to attend church services at the smallest branch in the mission in far away Anseong.  Afterwards they had a little treat of fresh watermelon for us.  The young man on the stand was recently baptized and is encouraging all his friends to come join with us.  He's a young Alma.

Even though it is into  the next week, we did conduct our transfer Mission Leadership Council or MLC with the Assistants, Sister Training and Zone Leaders.  Again, a wonderful day training on roles and responsibilities and teaching them new things we want them to know and teach at zone conference in the next several weeks.
The phone gets hijacked occasionally!

 It's not always stressful for them.  We try to lighten the load and allow them to let their inner child out.  They have such great personalities and talents.

 Of course, there is always Sister Turner's tasty treats to occupy them while they de-stress at the break.

Finally, we had another great visit from three of our former missionaries on school break.  College stresses them, but they know coming to Korea would lighten their load, especially visiting their former mission mom and dad!  We can't get enough of these young people.  They bring so much joy to our lives!  They are all as good looking as when they were with us, the light in their eyes is still bright.

Well, enough pictures for today.  We'll add to your opportunities as soon as we can.  Share with everyone.  These are great faces!  Thank you for your love, support, and prayers.