Sunday, February 3, 2019

Missionary Family Party and Interviews

All the pictures in this blog are family photos.  We enjoy sharing them.  Even after missionaries return home to start college, military service, employment, or whatever they do, they are still family.  When they come back to visit, we have to have a family party.
Recently, a group of 19 of our former missionaries came back to treat us to dinner, games, and a special spiritual devotional.  We were so happy they would include us in their plans.  Others wanted to come, but conflicts wouldn't allow it.
Amazed by something in the kitchen! (Sister Turner kneading bread)

 Helping prepare everything
 Sisters' play area
 Relaxing before the meal
More evidence they were really here:

More play time with the sisters...
 They fixed quite a meal, lots of food, lots of meat, lots more laughter.

 An amazing chef
Evidence in sound and sight, wish you could enjoy the smells.

 Respect for those who joined us from their military service for the day
 The hearts say it all.  We love them.
 Nothing like a daughter's love
 For those that recognize this musician, we really miss his special talents! The recordings were too long for the blog, but they're on Facebook: KSSM Pres Turner

We had three terrific days of interviews. They included interviews, lunch, and a district council.  In one case, we actually had time for a proselyting  activity.
The first one was for Ansan and Anyang areas at Ansan.

The next day was at Gimpo for Gimpo and Cheongna areas:

In the midst of this we had a sister go home to Texas.  We will miss her wonderful smile.
We had a wonderful baptism over this last weekend of January in a tiny branch.  He's such a fine young man.  We look forward to getting to meet him and know him better.

More interviews this week.  This one was at Pyeongtaek with Pyeongtaek and Anseong Areas as well as the Military Relations couples at the local military bases.

 Sometimes they get very nervous about touching anything female!

The next day was Gokbanjeong and Sinpung at Gokbanjeong.  There is a wonderful local sister who always orders lunch for the missionaries and the president and wife for interviews here. So kind!
In this situation, the elders actually purchased an ice cream cake to celebrate the birthday of one of the missionaries.


 This is the only district without sisters.  This is what happens when they get the phone...
At this ward building is a woman who always provides fresh flowers for decorating the pulpit on Sunday.  Terri loves to visit the ward so she can see what new beautiful things she has arranged.
The final day of interviews for the week had as at Suji with the Suji and Singal areas.

 Today was Baskin Robbins 'Top Up' day.  So happy for the generous gift of the sisters.
 Afterwards we did an activity to promote EnglishConnect.  We always wear Helping Hands vests for people to see we do this for service.

Sister Turner enjoying a tasty Bibimbap, a famous Korean dish.
We also participated on a very cold evening in the activity.  We are constantly reminded of the dedication of these good missionaries regardless of the weather!
This was an amazing week as we had three baptisms in Incheon, one sisters and two brothers.  We were able to attend one, but we attended church on Sunday to meet all three.  What a special week! Such great stories about these wonderful people.  Each has a unique story.

Of course, we continue to see unique things worth sharing....
First, Terri found this fun sign advertising Diet Boxing and Kickboxing.  She's got the punch...

After a long day before retiring to our hotel, we walked around a bit and found some friendly musicians.  Love the smiles.
So many fun things around us and so many good people to share the experiences with.  We so enjoy being with these young people and feeling their energy and love for the Savior and for his work. Until next time, we hope you enjoy the remainder of your winter.  May it be a quiet one.