Monday, September 3, 2018

Two Special Witnesses and some Interviews and an Engagement

This was a busy week without many pictures.

We had three busy days with two members of the Asia North Area Presidency visiting our mission.  Elder Choi, Yoon Hwan is the Area President. Elder Takashi Wada is his Second Counselor in the Area Presidency.  They are both members of the 1st Quorum of the Seventy.  Elder Choi called nine years ago and Elder Wada called in April of this year.  They and their wives stayed with us in the mission home and we had great visits.  During the day they taught and inspired our missionaries and especially our leaders.  

If we were thinking we'd have taken more pictures during lunch and during training, but we were running busy!

After they left on Thursday, we hurried and prepared for more interviews.  We visited with the eight missionaries from Shinpung and Gokbanjeong before traveling to visit the couples in Pyeongtaek.  Unfortunately, we forgot to get a picture with one of the couples.  We'll have to make that one up very soon!

On Saturday, we had a special visit from one of our former Assistants and his fiancĂ©.  We had the opportunity to have brief lunch with them and get to know this special young lady.  They will be an awesome couple!
Sunday, we had a wonderful "Why I Believe" fireside with the Seoul West Stake.  I wish we could have more pictures.  Only one picture got taken of the singers.  On Facebook you can find the two of them.
We did capture a few more random pictures this week:
In case you wondered where he was, he's here in Korea...

Yes, we still enjoy being together
 Just outside Camp Humpreys for dinner we could see the Army helicopters doing maneuvers.  The chopper stayed like that for what seemed like 15 minutes.  It was pretty cool.
 While running one morning I found these.  This one is a 50 something man on a bike with training wheels...  He must be a kindred spirit.
We also found a dog that looked a bit like our last dog who past away about five years ago. We acquired Chokosan (Chocolate Mountain in Korean) about 25 years ago when we lived in Korea. This was a fun moment to remember her.
We've heard many wonderful things about this hamburger place so we decided to take a trip.  We quickly found three local elders who wanted to venture to the same place.  It's somewhat like IN/Out Burger in the states.
Finally, here's to the woman who runs the mission office!  Happy Birthday, Sister.  We are a better mission because of all you do.
Another week has flown by.  This week will be full of more interviews, especially with the 13 who will be going home on the 11th.  We hope you enjoy these as much as we do.  We hope you all had a great Labor Day holiday in the US and there was joy in your life no matter where you live!