Wednesday, August 8, 2018

What Have They Learned

We have posted many pictures on this blog and find that to be very enjoyable to so many of you, but we haven't listed enough for you of what these young people say they learn during their 18 or 24 month experience.  Having the opportunity to interview them before they leave is a truly amazing experience.  We see them when they come and then when they leave.  They  have learned a lot!
This group of 17 that left last week are way amazing.

Here are some of the things they have learned and now know:

I can push beyond the mental limits, I can do hard things
I have learned what it means to be led by the Spirit, being  a spirit-led missionary.
I know what it means to love others
I know who Christ is and have learned some of his attributes
I have greater self-worth and confidence
I can accept others as they are, I don't have to change them.
I better understand the revelation process in my life
God keeps his promises
Scriptures do matter
Obedience is important
I better understand what humility is and why it is needed
I should always be looking for things to do, use my time wisely and effectively.

Others have similar worries and concerns as me
The Book of Mormon is true and I understand the Restoration
I know the person of Christ
I understand why revelation is important and how to seek and receive
I understand how important my parents and family are in my life
Missionary spirit comes from helping others come to Christ
More comfortable saying what I believe
Love and interest in others has grown
I am a better teacher
I understand how to use real intent when serving others - sincere heart
I can get along with others
I better understand the Lord's will
I rely more on God
I don't have to do things alone, I want to get along better with others
I understand how to set and reach for goals
I learned how important a companion can be for my success
I recognize more the touch of the Holy Ghost in my life
I better understand the impact of gossip on people's lives and in an organization

More sensitive to other's feelings
More patient, don't argue as much with others
More comfortable talking with God in prayer
I have learned of the Savior's love for me
I have a new Motto: Do what the Lord asks - trust him!
Each experience was for me
I see how the gospel helps families
The light of Christ in me has grown; I have greater desire to do righteous works
God knows each of us personally!
Our mistakes are not who we are
I have overcome so much from my previous life!
Power and breadth of the Priesthood!
I have build a foundation here for eternity
Charity is a gift given to us to bless others, not ourselves
My roots are deeper in the right foundation
I have learned to love more quickly, deeply and consistently
My pre-mission life was not good, I am a better man
I can cook, I have more practical life skills
I am more determined and more courageous to act

I can live on my own, budge, wash, work hard
I can resolve relationship issues
I understand the importance of sacrifice, the meaning of maturity
Life in the gospel is happier than outside
Certainty of the truthfulness of the gospel and the Book of Mormon
Better understand other's needs and put them above my own
My perspective of the world has broadened
I don't need google to find all the answers!
I understand priorities and how to focus on those
I have identified the attributes I want for a wife
Living gospel so it is a pattern in my life
Obedience brings power of gospel into my life
I see others the way the Lord sees them
Hard work and it's blessings
Social media is not important, I don't need to live someone else's life!
Love others first, see past the first judgments
I feel comfortable putting myself in uncomfortable situations

I better understand the power of choice and agency.  I choose to be happy!
How to communicate with Heavenly Father
Flexibility and patience - understanding others
I was a kid when I got here - I've learned so much
I can communicate with others
Appreciate more what parents did for me
Value of time and setting goals
I can see the results of the apostasy and why we need the restoration
I need to invest to have friends
Trust and share tasks with others
I can better plan to achieve good things
I can give service more naturally
Eternal perspective of things
Basics of the gospel and why they're important
Impact of personal choices
Better English skills
How to serve and help others
How to apply gospel principles in my daily life

A few families came to pick up their missionaries.  It is always fun for us to meet the families who prepared these young people so well.

We wish we could meet the families of all, we have to learn how to share them with their biological parents!  It's a tough task.

We didn't get to welcome as many as left, but the six that came are pretty amazing!  We had a good day with them before sending them off with their trainers.
We like the background sign on this one, they are infant missionaries with so much potential!
 Everyone of them proved they can eat spicy food!

We had a wonderful evening with recent converts and people missionaries are teaching. Missionaries were able to share their talents, both speaking and musically.  What a great weekend.

While visiting a home of the missionaries, this sign was setting on a table!  Now you can better understand the love in the mission. It's a word hard to define for non-native English speakers...
Another fun and happy week passed.  This one is shaping up the same.  Hope you enjoy this week's pictures and messages.  Thanks for your love and support.  We're happy to work with your loved ones!