Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Land of the Morning Calm

After a two hour flight to Seattle, an hour layover, and a 11 1/2 hour flight across the Pacific Ocean, we landed at Incheon Int'l Airport.  We were accompanied by Pres. and Sis. Madsen going to preside over the Taejeon Mission.  What a pleasure to be greeted by Pres. and Sis. Morrise, the current Seoul South Mission President and Elder Han In Song, a former mission president in Pusan, a long-time leader of the Church in Korea and a friend during my mission so many years ago.
Terri and I have had a whirlwind few days with little time to breathe.  Wednesday morning we awoke in our new home with the plan to spend a few hours with the Morrise's before they headed to the airport and back to their home in Provo, Utah.  We had very few productive moments as there were so many things to learn.  By 2 PM, they were gone and Terri and I settled in for the ride.  The week has been a fire hose experience with great joys.
Over three days we met all of our missionaries and shared great experiences.

Talk about bright, happy individuals with a zest for life and love of what they are doing! We have shared laughter, tears, and great learning together already.
We love everything about what we are doing here!  We go to bed exhausted and happy and arise in the morning still tired, but ready for the new experiences!

We had to laugh during one side trip.  During a walk through a park we noticed that the exercise equipment available to the public was a little more elaborate than what we are accustomed. We would need to go into a fitness center for this type of equipment!
What a great place to be!  We know the Lord has sent us here for a reason and we are learning all about it as we go!