Monday, May 6, 2019

The Zone Conference and Interview Cycle Begins Again

Zone Conferences are a special time for us to be with the missionaries.  This is the last one of our tenure that will be done in a building.  We spent time talking about repentance, submissiveness, and consecration.  We had wonderful music, training, skits, role plays and discussions.

 This is the Seoul South Zone
 The like to be posed by Sister Turner
 On the same day the Seoul West Zone also met
 They pose as well.
We surprised them all with their favorite meal, Nae Nae Chicken.  Boy, did they eat it quickly!
 We then met with the Gyeonggi and Suwon Zones with even more music

 You will really like this one!
This is Suwon Zone  

 This is the Gyeongi Zone
This elder was so excited he had to celebrate!

This is what happens when you give the phone to certain someones!

We're in the cycle of visiting each missionary to evaluate how they're doing and to visit district councils and seeing how we can help each missionary and companionship.  They are all so amazing!

We also had lunch with several missionaries who passed off their language certification in the past week.

This week we had several visitors from previous days!
 This couple were the final mission president and wife of the Seoul West Mission before it was closed for three years.  It was then reopened as the Seoul South Mission.    What a blessing they are to so many.

Our Military Relations Couple at Camp Humphrey received special recognition for their volunteer service on the base. 
As for unique things we saw, one family we had dinner with has a daughter living in Provo with her husband and son.  Grandma and grandpa like to know what time it is in both places.  We like this idea!

 One amazing thing we found in our journeys was a true cemetery.  It's very hard to use the sides of hills to farm so most burial plots are on the sides of hills or mountains.  Families with large land holdings may have a special place on a hill or mountain side for their family plots.  With so many people living in high rise buildings, many now use a cemetery such as this one.  We have driven by it many times and not been able to find the entrance.  We finally did and drove around  to see how it is done.  They bury their dead in the ground and typically put a mound over them and then a granite stone or pillar to recognize the family member.

Sorry to be so far behind again.  More coming as soon as we can.  Busy times for the next eight or so weeks.  So much to catch up on and to do.  We enjoy being with and sharing experiences with our missionaries and less time posting the pictures.  This is a fun photo journal for us and we hope for you.