Monday, October 15, 2018

finishing up interviews

We can't believe how quickly this week past week has raced by.  We just updated the blog a few days ago!  We were in more than a dozen  homes this week doing interviews over four days.  Then, we had the great opportunity to watch general conference.  We do it a week later so it can be recorded and watched during local time and not Mountain Standard Time!

Nice couch!
 The missionaries have reminders on the door to turn off their heat.
 The members gave these guys lots of fruit for the recent holiday...
 A kind person donated these cool blankets, not sure about the special hair rollers...
 Another house full of stuffed animals...
 The three teams in this house have a Korean great wall mask which is fun for any season...

 Not many decorations in these houses, just a nice Korean flag.

 These ladies are chasing miracles!
 House decorations...

 Nice day for a picture outside...
 Another great view from the apartment window.
We had more lunches and district council meetings to attend as well.  We were well taught and impressed by the discussions.
Here we got the meeting, but not the lunch
 Here we got the lunch, but not the meeting.
 Here we did get the meeting,
 and the lunch...
 Here we got the lunch, but not the meeting.  We had a great week with them.
We found another house with an amazing chandelier this missionaries love!
They all have very good strength and love for each other...
Some missionaries asked if they could come over and bake.  They had fun making bread bowls and pretzel bites.  It was fun to listen to them chat.

Over the weekend we were able to watch with all our missionaries the sessions of General Conference from Salt Lake City.  We all recognize we need to be and can be better!  You can expect good emails from them with their commitments to be stronger teachers and better prepared to fulfill their responsibilities!

Sister Turner is always coaching the missionaries how to be better care for their apartments, be sensitive to expenses, have extra socks, etc.  One house painted an old door with some of her 'commandments'.  It was fun to see this! Hope you can read all the stuff around the edges.  Former missionaries will especially have fun with this.
Some times we get tired too!  Never get tired of this sight.

We never tire of the special visitors who drop by and visit us when they come 'home' for a few days.  This sister brought her husband and parents (who served in Seoul 30+ years ago as well as her two younger brothers.
 This young man just went home five weeks ago, but is working with a company that does carpet remodel work in temples.  He came to Seoul to help with replacing the carpet in the Seoul Temple.  He surprised us with a note he was available on Sunday.  We were so grateful to have him come visit us!

The last picture for this issue is from a visit to an international festival at the Olympic Park.  It is only a few minute walk for us to the park.  Of all we saw, this one really caught our eyes.  They are native Indians from Ecuador.  They were playing native music on their instruments.

We have so much going on and it's happening so quickly.  We are amazed at the miracles and the commitments of their hearts.  We are so richly blessed to associate with them.  Make sure you ask your missionary questions about their miracles and daily activities.  They'll amaze you like they do us.  Here's an example of what we get from them every week:
My companion] and I had a great week ourselves as we were given the chance to meet with the man from last week whom we'd given a Book of Mormon to! I can't even explain how unbelievably prepared he really is. As we met with him, he explained how he feels like they is something missing in religion here in Korea and he's just been looking for answer for so long. He explained that he'd been having a hard time lately and asking God what he should do, when all of a sudden he met us! He told us he'd read the first two book of Nephi already and how much he relates to Nephi in the Book of Mormon!! This man is already likening the scriptures to himself and we are beyond grateful to have found such a man like him. We were able to share the reason why we came to Korea and telling him of the Restoration of Jesus Christ Gospel and just watched as the Spirit testified it's truthfulness to him. I'm really excited to continue working with him and helping him come closer to God.

Thanks for helping them prepare!  Until next time...